Life-changing: Muscular dystrophy sufferer Christopher Knowles gets the lift he deserves A Cambridge man who suffers from an extremely rare form of muscular dystrophy has discovered a ‘life-changing’ method of moving between the floors of his home following a lengthy...
Easy access: How a home lift improved the life of new cerebral palsy charity founder after two hip operations in three years A cerebral palsy sufferer from London has ‘transformed’ her life after installing a Stiltz Home Lift which enables her to move from...
Game, set and match! MS sufferer Judy Turner takes up tennis and smashes wheelchair fears Judy Turner suffers from multiple sclerosis but she is still mobile and fully able to use the stairs. However, she felt it was important to plan for the future and this involved...
Life-Changing: Man realises dream of living in two-storey house and learns to walk again after horrific accident A man who lost both of his legs in a horrific accident almost a decade ago in Lyme Regis has finally realised his dream of living in a two-storey house...
Staying put: Suffolk Woman transforms ‘perfect’ 17th century farmhouse home with a lift in the larder A woman from Suffolk who has lived at the same house for more than 50 years, is staying put after installing a Stiltz Home Lift in the kitchen larder to...